Why should you register your trademark?

A trademark is a recognisable logo, word, slogan, brand name or phrase that denotes a specific product. It helps to differentiate the product legally from the other products. It recognises a source company’s ownership of a brand. Trademarks may or may not be registered.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Registered Trademarks use the ™ tag and customers give more importance to registered brands. Trademarks do not expire but the owners should make regular use of them to get the protection associated with them.
A trademark helps to protect the goodwill of the business and protects it from being used similarly by any other business. You should register your trademark to get the various benefits. The requirements for registering your trademark are as follows:
- The identity proof of the Trademark owner.
- One page of the authorisation letter.
- A soft copy of the logo. This can also be applied without a logo.
You can get your Trademark registered in a day through an online process. Some companies provide Trademark registration services. You can fill up their form online and their experts will connect with you and prepare the documents. They will file your trademark application. As the services are available online you can use the services from anywhere. The companies also offer free trademark searches. This involves checking if the name is already taken or is similar to any existing trademark. You can get your registration done within 1 hour.
Trademarks help to distinguish products within the business and legal system. They are used to identify and protect the words or symbols that identify the source. Using a trademark prevents
others from using a company’s products or services without permission.
Businesses cannot use a symbol or a brand name if it looks similar to the one already registered. The holder of the trademark has the right to it for the life of the product or service. Trademarks are territorial and the owner has exclusive rights to use in the relevant territory.
It is advisable to register a trademark as the registration will provide stronger protection in case of a dispute concerning it in court.
Benefits of registering a trademark
The benefits of registering your trademark are as follows:
- When you register your trademark nobody can copy your brand’s trademark.
- Brands value their trademarks more than any other physical asset. The company gets absolute rights over the brand name through trademark protection.
- Trademarks can be rented and royalties can be earned under a licensing agreement. The franchise model depends on trademark licensing and transfer.
- Customers give more preference to the brands with the ™ mark.
Businesses can enjoy the trust, reliability and quality associated with the registered trademark forever by renewing it again and again. Once you register a trademark it is valid for 10 years. It offers businesses a unique identity when compared to others. In case somebody copies your trademark you can take up the issue legally and sue them.
The trademark becomes a valuable asset if the brand becomes successful. The trademark can be commercially contracted, sold and franchised. A trademark registered in India can also be registered in other countries. Similarly, foreigners can also get their trademarks registered in India.
Your customers will identify specific products and services only with the brand. When you register your trademark your competitor will not be able to use it and it will become your company’s unique asset.
Registration process

The registration of the trademark is governed by the Trade Marks Act 1999. The registration process involves the following steps:
- First, you have to select a good trademark.
- Apply for the registration on the right form with the right fee.
- You will have to classify your goods and services and specify them correctly. The goods and services are classified based on the international classification of goods and services.
- Every application for the registration of the trademark is filed in the office of the Trademarks Registry. You should apply with the right office within whose territorial limits the service is located.
A trademark helps customers distinguish one’s goods and services from others. When you register your trademark, it gets legally authorised by the government and offers exclusive rights to the owner for branding, manufacturing, selling and using the products and services.