How to identify the duplicate Louis Vuitton bags

Nowadays, with the latest technology, the demand for fake products has risen up within a few periods of time. The population of our world is happy in purchasing the best quality product while spending little money. Due to this, some of the websites on the internet and some local shopkeepers make their duplicate goods sell to the public at affordable rates but with poor quality replica handbags.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!To identify the original product, first of all, we should do research or observe the sites and shops which are reputed, who are selling original handbags. The trusted websites that are producing the finer quality of original handbags includes far fetch, vestiaire collective, official Louis Vuitton, the hut, and many more. For recognizing the presumed platform of Louis Vuitton handbags, we just need to check the review of that site that are engaging in promoting a creative product.
We can also check the original product by observing the pictures of Louis Vuitton handbags such as front, date code, back, embossed, lining, monogram, the stamp of Louis Vuitton made in_ many other respective qualities. There are almost 460 shops of the brand Louis Vuitton who sells their product in many countries. The handbags contain a scanner in them, and for observing the real product, we can scan if the scanner will detect then the product is real; otherwise, it is fake.
Logo of Louis Vuitton brand
The logo of the brand will affect the product more as we expect because due to the logo, the creativity of the product increased. However, in this modern era, the people are becoming of the thinking that they buy the goods which look beautiful and give a shiny look. One of the international companies, Louis Vuitton brand the logo has not been changed till now. The increasing demand for the handbags will be prolonged by symbol also, which gives a professional glance to the product.
The original product does not contain the activity of slanting the logo, faint ends; the monogram of the logo can’t be crossed by stitches. The actual handbags of Louis Vuitton have one symmetrical canvas of leather-covered upside down, which explains to us that it covers the front and backside with the only piece of leather. The bag which surrounds by two pieces of leather stitched canvas then the product can’t be defined as the original.
There is a wide range of countries which offers their users the best quality with expensive rates in every corner of the world. This international brand is now expanding its business in every country through social websites or local shopkeepers. With the high rates, no one can actually buy this product that belongs to the poor and middle-class family. The product is basically made for a richer section of society which usually shows the personality and lifestyle of an individual.
To identify the replica handbags, we should check the reviews of the product before buying and also observe the stamp where the product comes from. If it is made in china, then most of the product is fake, whereas the item is made up of the USA, Spain, Germany, Italy, then it considers as the original. We should also compare the weight of the original one and duplicate those conducts. The minimal weight will be considered as spare.
Handles and leathers
The colour of leathers which is covered on Louis Vuitton handbags, is a bit darker than the fake one. The majority of the actual handbags of Louis Vuitton conducts the quality of canvas leather coated on it with dry trim. If the products give you the oily grip, then we should come to know that the good is basically of poor quality and second copy.
The bags of Louis Vuitton does not bind with the covering of paper, tissue, polyethene so that their stitching does not weaken away and the material can’t be able to grind down. To make their inside side darker, they make the use of light handles leathers, but if it is still light from inside, then it considers as the replica.
Stitching and lining
The actual handbags of Louis Vuitton are the colour grey and somewhat of Alcantara. Some of the products vary in dark brown colour, which considers as the copied item; before buying, one should make proper research of the product and read the following details to know what kind of item is this. We should also watch the original pictures of the product to identify the lining and stitching from where it is started and ended.
By identifying these measures, we can easily observe whether the product is original or fake. Louis Vuitton is a worldwide brand which makes their stitches with a lot of perfection to make it creative. All the stitches and lining should be in a straight manner so that the product that has stitches in a zigzag path, then it will be called a duplicate product.
Zipper and hardware
Zipper and hardware are one of the essential ways to identify the product is real or fake. If the product of Louis Vuitton has zipper pulls and the hardware which is of the best quality, thrift. In other words, zipper and hardware are located in a way that they can’t be appearing cheap of any kind. If the product is defective and of the worst quality, then there is no doubt to declare the item as duplicate.
We just need to check the logo stamp of Louis Vuitton on the zipper, which has a lucid and prickly manifestation. The hardware of Louis Vuitton products is generally made of silver metal and brass of golden.
Date codes
Date code is another crucial evidence to know the actual product of Louis Vuitton. The original item of LV has a date code with a serial number; the code is of six letters. The first two are alphabetical, and the rests of the four are numerically situated. The reason behind this number tells us that the first two numbers indicate the country from which it comes, and the rest four indicated the month and year when the product is manufactured.