A Guide to Build Responsive Banner Ads with HTML5

Internet users are now browsing the web on multiple devices. They’ve got their smartphone, desktop, tablet, and smartwatches. So, when you run your ad to entice them, you must ensure consistency across all devices. html5 ads can help you do that.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!If you’re new to creating ads in HTML5 format, then this article is for you. Learn all of the benefits this format has on offer and what it can do for your ads. Then, learn how to create these ads from scratch.
What Is an HTML5 Ad?
HTML5 Ads are meant for the interactive internet. They’re also known as “Interactive Ad” because they can resize based on the device and platform. These advertisements are opposite to static image-based banner ads, which stay the same irrespective of the device.
The static ads were designed on Flash technology. Flash allowed designers to create graphics and animations. These were then placed on various internet sites. While helpful in specific ways, Flash-based ads had their limitations. Because of this, they were replaced with HTML5.
HTML5 Ads are created with HTML5 technology — the same technology used to build websites and web pages. As you might have realized, all modern websites resize based on the device. That’s why you see them the same on your mobile and web browser.
The ads built with HTML5 also change based on the device they’re browsed from. In other words, these ads are mobile-first ads where native mobile browsing experience is prioritized. Over Flash-based ads, HTML5 ones tend to perform better.
How to Build HTML5-based Banner Ads?
If you’re convinced that you need to build HTML5-based ads for your business or clients, then there are two options. Those are:
- Code Manually
- Use a Designing Software
In the subsequent sections, learn about two options in greater detail.
Coding HTML5 Ads Manually
The first option is to code the ad manually. The ads are built with HTML5 technology. If you’ve never seen HTML5 in action, then visit a website of your choice, right-click on the page, and then select “View Page Source.” It will show you a lengthy code base, a mix of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and other web-based technologies.
You can use the same technology to make HTML5-based ads. You’d have to create five elements, which are:
- index.html
- main.js
- main.css
- Visual assets
- Outbound link
The index.html file will provide the skeleton for your HTML5-based ads. It consists of HTML declarations. The web browser will interpret the declarations to create the body of the ad, like the position, length, breadth, etc.
Main.css is all about the design. So, in this file, you have to specify the color combination, overlays, font sizes, etc.
Main.js is about logic and how the ad will behave when someone interacts with it.
Virtual assets are the images, animations, and audio files you want to include within your HTML5 Ad.
The last element, the outbound link, links to your landing page where you want to drive traffic.
All of these five elements are crucial for the HTML5 Ad. If you can’t do it yourself, hire a programmer to design the ad for you by coding stuff. Use the resource as a reference on how to deal with the programmer.
Using a Software
If you want to create ads on your own without coding stuff, you have to use available software programs.
One of the best (and free) software available is the Google Web Designer. It allows you to create interactive HTML-5 based designs without getting into coding stuff.
You can download the software onto your desktop and get to work. The interface might be a bit intimidating at first. But over time, you’ll find it easier to work with.
Once you’ve designed an ad, you can run it on the Google Ad network, including Video 360.
If you want an advanced tool, consider using Adobe Animate CC. The software offers a feature called “HTML5 ad builders” that allow you to create HTML5 Ads. The workflow is somewhat simpler than Google Web Designer.
Everything is intuitive. Within a few clicks and selections, you’ll have an HTML5 ad ready to be deployed. For this, you’d need to have a paid version of Adobe Animate CC. Then, use this resource as a step-by-step guide on how to create the ad.
Besides the above two, some other cloud-based tools allow you to create an HTML5 ad. Use them at your discretion if you find their features useful enough.
As the internet gets more interactive, HTML5 will become even more critical. So start creating HTML5 Ads using the ways mentioned above. Once implemented correctly, they can deliver far better results than static ads.