China Effectively Stopped Spread of COVID-19 in the Country

China Effectively Stopped Spread of COVID-19 in the Country

Even as many countries across the globe fighting very hard to stop the spread of COVID-19, the Chinese government succeeded in containing and controlling the pandemic most effectively thus saving a vast number of its populace. 

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In fact, China moved ahead with the application of different scientific tools available to the medical world to stop the galloping speed of the spread of COVID-19. It proved to the world that the pandemic can be managed if timely action is taken to stop its spread. 


China not only intensified the pace of vaccination but also imposed strict lockdown and most effectively stopped flocking of the people in town corners and other places. These timely measures greatly helped to reduce the daily caseload of patients thus flattening COVID-19 within a short period of time. 

The Effective Crisis Management

The timely and strict action taken to keep indoors thus helping to curb the incidence of China Coronavirus has even been praised by the WHO. A large number of frontline health workers worked day and night tirelessly and many new hospitals were created within just weeks to treat the patients that went a long way in combating China Coronavirus.


What is most remarkable, China was the first country to be hit by COVID-19 yet it succeeded in reducing the number of patients from a large number to a very short number through its most efficient epidemic control strategy. That proved to be a full-proof one. 


In fact, China moved very fast with remedial measures. This helped the country to stop the spread of the virus. 


Coronavirus First Case 


It was in December 2019 that the China Coronavirus made its first appearance at Wuhan in the Hubei Province of the country. Within days, however, China released the genomic sequence of the virus on Jan 10, 2020. 

What followed immediately was the imposition of strict lockdown and isolation of the suspected patients at Wuhan, the origin of the virus. Here, most of the other countries failed to do so. For 76 days, Wuhan was locked down completely. 


This action could most effectively stop the spread of China Coronavirusin other parts of China. In Hubei Province, the same modus operandi was used. Nationally, China erected 14 000 health checkpoints at railway stations, seaports, airports and bus stand to examine the people if they were suffering from the virus. 


The family outdoor restrictions and movement of a large number of people were very strictly implemented in a large number of Chinese cities. To top it, only one member of each household was permitted to leave the home every couple of days to collect necessary supplies.


China’s Anti-Coronavirus Drive


The very fast anti-COVID-19 move took place within weeks and at least 9 million people were put to test for SARS-CoV-2 in China. Being the world’s biggest manufacturer of personal medical protective equipment, China could increase the production of clinical gowns and surgical masks. 


This made a major difference in providing safety to the people. 


Besides, China went one step ahead as compared to other countries by equipping aerial drones with echoing loudspeakers admonishing those people in China who were not following the lockdown rules by moving in the streets.


The action was very prompt in China as within weeks after the Wuhan was found to be the origin of the virus, three hospitals known as Fangcang was opened on February 5, 2020, and 13 more hospitals came up very soon. 


The Conclusion 


China erected a large number of Fangcang hospitals equipped with 13 000 beds exclusively meant for the COVID-19 contaminated people so that they may not have to be isolated at home and can be put under constant medical watch. 


All these measures greatly helped China to first control the spread and secondly block the local transmission in urban and semi-urban regions. Besides, the country could successfully prevent 1·4 million infections and 56 000 deaths.

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