How to greet your new employee in an email

Orientation is a vital process for newly recruited employees in a company or organisation. The process starts when recruits get welcome emails or letters. The confirmation email secures the candidates’ position in the company. It prepares him or her for the day one activity at the company and their work station.

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How to greet your new employee in an email

The confirmation email is a vital document as it bridges the gap between the company and the recruits. They feel part and parcel of the company and become eager to start their duties to better its service delivery. They feel accepted, and their skills are appreciated.

Writing this email needs to be done professionally, the experts from write my essay will help with this in a best way. It should not leave the recruit with a dilemma on what to do on the first day. You should clearly explain to them where they need to report, the office, and the officer to report. In that particular email, let them know what will happen on their first day at the company. Remember to let them know about their dressing code because companies might differ in their employees’ dressing code. Some companies use uniforms, and others will use any official wear.

A welcome email has the opportunity to brief the recruits on the business and company culture to adopt. They will know it in advance and, they will be psychologically prepared. Include the mission, vision, and values of the company as part of the company culture. An employee will settle when he or she knows them days before reporting on day one. A welcome email enables an employee to be motivated to do their best.

Your email includes vital details like the day when work will start, time, and the exact place where the employee will be required to operate. It should direct them where to go and whom to meet on that particular day. If there is anything that will be of need on this day, like banking information, then include it in to make the task on day one to be easy. Attach the rules and regulations with the mission and vision statements for the employee to read them before getting into the company. Reading in advance makes the employee get to the job station when they are sure of what they are supposed to do.

Lastly, in this email, give an overview of day one task up to week one. The employee becomes psychologically prepared as he/she knows the kind of duty that awaits them. Working towards a known end makes employees work best. It’s contrary to working towards an unknown end by the employees. To achieve this, they should be aware of the task they will be handling daily and where to seek help in case of stagnation in line of duty.

When you have sent a welcome email, the day one orientation at the company is easy. The employee will require only a physical tour at the company premises to know the location of different departments.

To achieve a better work performance from your employees, be sending them emails congratulating them on the positive steps made and giving them a piece of background information about the company and the fresh recruits. When sharing the new employee’s background information with other staff, remember not to disclose their weaknesses. Don’t disclose their private information.

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