How to Run Advertising Campaigns Using a Mobile Ad Network

How to Run Advertising Campaigns Using a Mobile Ad Network

The mobile app industry is growing and booming at a lightning speed. But what has been the reason behind this sudden growth? People around the globe largely depend on smartphones, and the pandemic surely added to this dependency. Whether for ordering food, finding leisure or working out, over 3.8 trillion hours were spent using different apps on smartphones in 2021.

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Advertisers today look for ways to market into active mobile applications and gauge a hyperactive diverse user base and audience. With the developing interest and need for in-app advertising, mobile ad spending is relied upon to soar up to $395.96 billion around the world. This has enabled multiple companies to develop platforms that make in-app advertising a simple business. The in-app advertising world is managed by highly efficient mobile ad networks that make each ad serving solid and consistent.

As an advertiser, you must pick a powerful mobile ad network that offers extraordinary features and highlights to execute in-app advertising. The best mobile ad networks give more prominent advantages to advertisers who need in-app advertising while at the same time making tasks canny and simple.

In 2021, over 230 billion mobile apps were downloaded worldwide, making smartphones one of the biggest mediums to advertise. With growing need and dependency on smartphones, users today have all the accessibility to rich and dynamic ads.

In-app advertising resembles a fortune of advantages for advertisers who want to advertise across verticals. It opens incredible doors for advertisers to promote their brand, app or games into the handy medium known as the smartphone. The centre advantage of in-app advertising is without question the ease of use and unlimited profits from unlimited conversions and acquisitions. But how to create and run in-app advertising campaigns using a mobile ad network? Here is how it’s done…

How to Run In-App Advertising Campaigns Using a Mobile Ad Network?

Before we jump to how it is vital for you to understand how your campaign must be. Haven’t thought about it yet? It is not just the campaign set up using a mobile ad network that matters but also the design and the message. Hence, you must have command over what you create for promotions. This is how your campaign is meant to be:

Promotional and Persuasive

The campaign message and design need to be promotional and highly persuasive. The ad design needs to have a promotional message that markets your brand/app as one of the best. A great trick to do so is by adding your product, brand or app’s USPs into the ad. Besides, the tone of your message needs to be highly persuasive. This means it must motivate the audience to make a purchase or convert instantly after looking at the ad. But how to do that? Your words can do magic!


The message on your ad needs to be highly targeted. This means that the words or phrases that you use must clearly make sense to the target audience and address them. Alongside this, the elements and creativity that you combine to create your ad, of it need to match the mindset of the audience that you need to target. For example, using a lot of gold in your ad design can make it appear as a luxury brand.


The ad creative that you want to use to advertise must be attractive, catchy and creative! It should present the product, brand, game or app in the most unique ways giving a complete outlook on what the user is missing out on. The colours need to be contrasting and attractive to get the user’s attention. Moreover, it is not just the design that needs to be creative, the message must also have a spark to attract.

It is always essential to pick creative ad formats to run attractive campaigns. As an example, a newly developed exciting game Shoot to Kill – FPS Commando Shooting Game recently started using a unique blended in-game ad format known as the Immersive Ad. This one of a kind game uses highly non-intrusive immersive ads where advertisers get to replicate real-life out-of-home campaigns at ease.

Ready with the design with an attractive message? Great, now let’s see what steps do you need to follow to run an in-app advertising campaign using a mobile ad network.

1.      Set your Goal

An advertiser needs to be clear about why he or she is running an advertising campaign and what outcomes does he/she need. Do you require more product sales? Registrations? More app installs? Or is it something else that you want to achieve with your campaign i.e. brand awareness?

Be clear about what you want to achieve and set your campaign goal using the top mobile ad network. You need to pick whether you want to direct more traffic, awareness and reach, promotion or customize the conversion thresholds.

2.      Segment and Target

Your ad is not meant for all! Keep that in mind as this will help you understand why you need to segment your target audience. The best mobile ad networks let you segment and target your desired audience to the maximum levels. From choosing age brackets, regions, platforms, devices and behaviours, there is much that you can select. This is essential to make sure that your ad reaches just the right set of potential audiences.

3.      Submit Ad Designs 

Now is the time to upload your creative ad designs video or static as per the aspect ratio that is asked by the mobile ad network. To design the best creative ads, you need to follow the above-mentioned guidelines. Make sure that your ads are promotional, targeted and highly creative.

4.      Set Campaign Budget

Last but not the least, pick your campaign budget and select the number of days on which you want to run your ads. Sort out per day ad spending and also manage impression capping at ease.

In-app advertising is no more a hassle with mobile ad networks making swift developments every other day. So, what are you waiting for? Begin setting up your advertising campaigns now! 

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