HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) is a mark-up language for creating a webpage. Web pages are usually viewed in a web browser. They can include writing, links, pictures, and even sound and video. HTML is used to mark and describe each of these kinds of content so the web browser can display them correctly.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Sometimes you need to print your web pages or files or you want to share web pages with your colleagues. You might think how is it possible to convert HTML files to some portable format, here comes the solution. This ‘HTML to PDF tool’ can serve you in this regard. ‘HTML to PDF’ lets you convert HTML web pages or files to PDF Format Instantly.
With this heart touching tool, you can easily transform your HTML files or pages to PDF within a blink of an eye. One of the most fascinating features of this tool is that this tool can be used on any device from any corner of the world. There is no restriction or constraint on the device. All you need is a fast internet and nothing more. This tool ‘HTML to PDF‘is easy to use, with no purchasing cost that is free to use.
Read Also: How to Edit a PDF File?
HTML to PDF Process
This ‘HTML to PDF‘is free of cost and easy to use the tool by the only PDF. Within a few steps, your URL can be converted into PDF files. A download option is also available after you are done with the conversion, so it is available for you at any time on your device. ‘HTML to PDF’ is very efficient and easy to use and easily available tools from all around the world. User-friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) makes conversion easy for its users.
Moreover, there is no need to download and install anything on your device, all you need is to add URL and then convert it, and the process is started. In addition, no ‘log in’ is required, which saves your time, as we understand your need. To sum up, ‘Convert PDF to Word‘ is easy to use, free of cost, user-friendly tool to make as many PDF files as you want editable that is word doc format.
How TO Use ‘HTML to PDF’
This smart tool ‘HTML to PDF’ simply allows you to convert your HTML (URL) to PDF format. The process of conversion of file is a matter of few steps. When you get into this tool there you find a large button with the caption ‘Add HTML’, this button takes you to a mini window with a field where you are asked to add URL of a page you want to convert in PDF files. Copy URL and paste it in the given field. Click on the ‘ADD’ button. Once this is done then simply click on convert to PDF button to get your job done. Time taken by the process depends upon your internet connectivity. 1. First of all, you have to enter the website URL in the appropriate box. 2. Click on the add button and then convert to the PDF button simply and wait a while. Once done, then you can be able to download your converted PDF into your device.
Why this tool
As it is mentioned above that this tool gives you the easiest way to get your job done. In addition, you need not to worry about the irritating premium version type options. Also, easy to use, free of cost, simple and easy GUI are the main advantages of this tool.